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Comprehensive Services for Every Stage of Pregnancy and Parenting Through The Toddler Years

CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center is dedicated to helping women navigate pregnancy and infancy challenges with care and compassion.

Do You Lack Access To Pregnancy Services?

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We believe that no one should have to suffer through a lack of access to valuable pregnancy resources. By choosing CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center, we will ensure that:


You become part of our caring community, guiding you every step of the way.


Knowledge gaps are filled through counseling and parenting education.


You receive access to confidential and free pregnancy services.


You gain clarity on navigating your pregnancy, no matter the circumstances.

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Pregnancy Help at Zero Cost to You

EWYL Program

EWYL Program

We offer a selection of free and confidential services to clients who participate in the Earn While You Learn program.

Maternity Resources

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We offer maternity resources to provide free baby clothing, diapers, and much more.

Additional Services

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With your donation, our mission at CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center can be realized to help everyone in need.

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CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center will hold in strict confidence all information provided, except as required by law. We are committed to integrity in dealing with clients, earning their trust, and providing promised information and services in a safe atmosphere.


Resources That Are Easily Accessible To You.

We understand the importance of providing access to professional and compassionate pregnancy care. That’s why we are committed to offer you not only accurate and comprehensive information about pregnancy and prenatal development but also the resources tailored to embrace your unique needs.

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Your Pregnancy Care Journey in Three Steps:

contact us

1. Reach Out

Reach out to see how we can assist you during and after your pregnancy.

join program

2. Join Program

All services are confidential and FREE to CRADLE clients who participate in our EWYL program.

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3. Peace of Mind

Our services ensure you will feel encouraged, informed, and supported throughout your pregnancy journey.

Additional Services to Support Your Journey.


Pregnancy Testing

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CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center uses a similar test to the pregnancy test used by OB doctor's office. The test takes 3 minutes and requires a small urine sample to test HCG hormone level. The tests are 98% accurate if given at least 2 weeks after a missed period. In rare cases, some women require a blood test to confirm pregnancy. Our office only offers the urine test - which administered by the client under the supervision of a trained counselor. CRADLE is not a medical center; therefore, a diagnosis of pregnancy must be made by a licensed physician.

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post abortion counseling

Post Abortion Counseling

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After an abortion, many mothers and fathers grapple with complex emotions, from relief to sorrow, uncertainty to reflection. At CRADLE, our post abortion counseling services offer a nurturing space where parents can share, heal, and find their way forward. Our empathetic counselors stand ready to walk beside you, offering guidance and understanding, ensuring you're not alone in this journey towards healing and peace.

education on STDs

Abstinence Education and Information on STDs

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At CRADLE, we believe in empowering individuals, especially our youth, with comprehensive knowledge about abstinence and the potential risks of STDs. Our education program provides parents and young adults with the tools and information they need to navigate these personal choices confidently. Through open dialogue and factual insights, we aim to foster a foundation of understanding and safety for all.

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community services

Referrals To Other Community Services and Agencies

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At CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center, we understand the importance of having a network of trusted resources at your fingertips. That's why we provide referrals to trusted community services like Help Me Grow, WIC, and adoption agencies. If adoption is a path you're considering, we're here to offer counseling and education to support your decision. Our goal is to ensure you have access to trusted community resources that genuinely care for your well-being and align with your unique needs.

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Parenting Resources for Fathers

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We care about men too. CRADLE Pregnancy Care Center is committed to offering our resources to fathers in need of supplies or those who are struggling. Appointments are encouraged to ensure we have male volunteers available.

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